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Special Publicatio of the Japan Coleopterological Society, No. 2
故・芝田太一氏 追悼記念 論文集
総526 pp., 30カラー図版(ハードカバー:英文) 

Kiyoshi ANDO (Chairman), Yasuhiko HAYASHI, Noboru ITO,
Fumiaki KIMURA, Hiroshi MIYATA

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Cover / Preface / Contents

A List of the papers by Taichi SHIBATA Concerning Entomology /Scientific Insect Names Dedicated to Taichi SHIBATA

UÉNO, S.-I.: New Species and Records of Blind Trechine Beetles of the Genus Ishikawatrechus (Coleoptera: Trechinae) from the Ishizuchi Mountains, Southwest Japan  

MORITA, S.: Notes on the Bembidiinae (Carabidae) of Japan XV. Two New Species of the Group of Bembidion cnemidotum  

ITO, N.: Species of the Harpaline Selenophori Group (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Asia  

ÔHARA, M.: Notes on the Genus Teretrius ERICHSON, 1834 (Coleoptera: Histeridae) from Taiwan

SAWADA, Y.: A Revision of the Genus Cissidium (Coleoptera: Ptiliidae) in Japan  

NISHIKAWA, M., & D. S. SIKES: New Records and Range Extensions of the Asian Silphidae (Coleoptera)  

LI, L.-Z., M-J. ZHAO, and J-Y. HU: Two New Species of the Genus Tachinus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) from Xizang, China  

KISHIMOTO, T.: A New Apterous Species of the Genus Leptusa (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae) from Mt. Ôdaigahara, the Kii Peninsula, Honshu, Japan  

KIMURA, F.: Two New Species of the Genus Scaphidium (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) from Japan .

HAYASHI, Y.: Three New Species of Proteinus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) from Shikoku, Japan ..

ITO, T.: Notes on the Species of Nazeris from Japan, XI. Two New Species of the Genus Nazeris (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) from Honshu and the Ryukyus, Japan  

WATANABE Y.: Two New Species of Lathrobium (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) from Mt. Maya-san of Hyôgo Prefecture in Western Honshu, Japan  

OCHI, T., M. KON, and M. V.-L. BARCLAY: A Revision of the Subgenus Parascatonomus (Onthophagus: Scarabaeidae: Coleoptera) from Borneo  

YOSHITOMI, H.: A New and Two Newly Recorded Species of the Genus Sacodes (Coleoptera: Scirtidae) from Yakushima, Japan  

MATSUDA, K.: Notes on the Lycid Genus Plateros (Coleoptera: Lycidae: Platerodinae) from East Asia, I. Descriptions of Seven New Taxa from Japan  

OKUSHIMA, Y.: A New Species of the Genus Prothemus (Coleoptera: Cantharidae) from Taiwan, with Records of Taiwanese Cantharidae in the SHIBATA Collection .

SAKAI, M.: Falsogastrallus taichii, a New Anobiid Species from Southwest Japan (Coleoptera: Anobiidae: Anobiinae: Gastrallini)  

HISAMATSU S.–T., and S. HISAMATSU: A New Species of the Genus Soronia ERICHSON (Nitidulidae: Coleoptera) from Taiwan vii

KIYOYAMA, Y.: A New Species of the Genus Klapperichimorda ERMISCH (Coleoptera: Mordellidae) from Taiwan  

UEDA, K., H. KONISHI and K. ANDO: Three New Species of the Genus Taichius from SE Asia (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Cnodalonini)  

ANDO, K.: Notes on the Genus Phaedis (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Cnodalonini), with Descriptions of Twelve New Species from the Malay Archipelago  

MIYATA, H. and K. ANDO: Two New Species of the Genus Thesilea (Tenebrionidae: Cnodalonini) found in the Collection of the late Mr. Taichi SHIBATA  

MASUMOTO, K., and K. AKITA: Strongylium aciculatum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) and its Relatives

OHBAYASHI, N.: A Revisional Study of the Macroleptura Genus-group (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lepturinae)  

NIISATO, T., and T. WAKEJIMA: Xylotrechus villioni (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) and its Relatives

MORIMOTO, K.: Micronesian Weevils. 1. Anthribidae: Key to Genera and Tribe Jordanthribini (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea)  

MIYATAKE Y., and K. MATSUMOTO: A Revision of the Genus Petalolyma SCOTT in Japan, with Description of a New Species (Hemiptera: Psylloidea: Triozidae)  


内  容

序文:大阪甲虫同好会  ;芝田太一氏昆虫関係著作リスト(編集部);芝田太一氏に献名された種名リスト(編集部).

原 著    (敬称略).
上野俊一:石鎚山地におけるツヤメクラチビゴミムシ属甲虫類の新種と新記録;森田誠司:日本産ミズギワゴミムシ類の知見XV. Bembidion cnemidotumに近縁の日本産ミズギワゴミムシの2新種; 伊藤 昇:アジア産Selonophori groupの種について;  大原昌宏:台湾産Teretorius属について(鞘翅目:エンマムシ科);  澤田義弘:日本産ヒサゴコケムシ属Cissidiumの再検討;  西川正明, Derek S. Sikesシデムシ科甲虫の新記録と分布圏の拡張;  李 利珍,趙 梅君,胡 佳耀:中国産マルクビハカクシ属の2新種;  岸本年郎:紀伊半島大台ヶ原産の後翅の退化したLeptusa 属の1新種(甲虫目:ハネカカクシ:ヒゲブトハカクシ亜科);  木村史明:日本産デオキノコムシの2新種;  林 靖彦: 四国産チビハバビロハカクシの3新種;  伊藤建夫:日本産Nazeris 属 (ハカクシ科) の2新種の記載;  渡邊泰明: 兵庫県摩耶山で採集されたコバナガハカクシ類(甲虫目ハカクシ科)の2新種;  越智輝雄,近 雅博,Maxwell V. L. Barclayボルオ産エンマコガ属のツヤエンマコガ亜属Parascatonomusの総説;  吉富博之: 屋久島カラノキムマルハナノミ属 Scodes の1新種と2新記録種; 松田 潔:東アジア産ハナボタル属の研究I;  奥島雄一:台湾産マルムジョウカイ属の1新種と芝田コレクション中の台湾産ジョウカイボン科;  酒井雅博:西南日本から発見されたシバンムシ科の1新種Falsogastrales taichii (コウチュウ目シバンムシ科シバンムシ亜科ツツガタシバンムシ属 ); 久松定智,久松定成:台湾産キマダラケシキスイ属(甲虫目,ケシキスイ科)の1新種;  清山好美:台湾産Klapperichimorda属ハナノミの1新種の記載;  植田謙一,小西博之,安藤清志:東南アジア産Taichius属の3新種; 安藤清志:カタビロキマワリモドキ属Phaedis の知見およびマレ諸島からの12新種の記載; 宮田博史,安藤清志:芝田コレクション中に見出された東南アジア産 Thesilea 属の2新種;  益本仁雄,秋田勝己: Strongilium aciculatumとその近縁種(ゴミムシダマシ科ナガキマワリ属)の研究; 大林延夫:クロオオハナカミキリ属群の再検討; 新里達也:分島徹人:オオトラカミキリとその近縁種;  森本 桂:ミクロシアのゾウムシ類1.ヒゲナガゾウムシ科:属の検索表とテングヒゲナガゾウ族Jordanthoribini;  宮武頼夫,松本浩一:日本産グロキジラミ属の再検討と1新種の記載.