Literatures on Coleopterology published other than CSJ
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TEXT VIEWPublication yearTitle (in Japanese)Author (in Japanese)Title (in English)Author誌名Publication namevol. (no.)page & plate information
1959岸井尚Elateridae of Is. Yakushima. The Snappers of Island (I). Kishii T平安学園 研究論集Bulletin of the Heian High School, Kyoto3p.1-24., 3 pls., 2 tables.
unknown岸井尚"Elaterid-beetles from Mt. Houwau-zan and Gozaishi-ko-sen Spa in Yamanashi Prefecture, collected by Mr. Koichi Hosoda in 1987 and 1988 (Coleoptera: Elateridae) “Notes on Elateridae fromJapan and its adjacent Area (8)"""Kishii Tunknownunknownp.1-19, 6 pls.
1977篠原明彦氏採集のヨーロッパ産叩頭類岸井尚"Elaterid Beetles from Europe collected by Mr. A. Shinohara with Descriptions of some new Forms and Notes"Kishii T平安学園 研究論集Bulletin of the Heian High School, Kyoto21p.19-34, 5 pls.
1964粟島・舳倉島・七ツ島の叩頭虫 島のコメツキムシ (IV)岸井尚"Elateridae of Islands Awa-shima, Hegura-jima and Nanatsu-jima ""The Snappers of Islands (IV)"""Kishii T平安学園 研究論集Bulletin of the Heian High School, Kyoto8p.1-38, 3 pls.
1985岸井尚Some new forms of Elateridae in Japan (XVII)Kishii T平安学園 研究論集Bulletin of the Heian High School, Kyoto29
1986岸井尚Some new forms of Elateridae in Japan (XVIII)Kishii T平安学園 研究論集Bulletin of the Heian High School, Kyoto30p.37-56, 2 pls.
1988岸井尚"A Study of mpedas mped g υanoυz' (JAKoBsoN, 1913) and its allied Species fromJapan, with Descriptions of some new Taxa (Some new forms of Elateridae in Japan, XXI)"Kishii T平安学園 研究論集Bulletin of the Heian High School, Kyoto32p. 11-22, 4 pls.
1980日本産シモフリコメツキ属の研究(2)岸井尚"A Study on theGenus Actenicerus KIESENWETTER from Japan and its adj'acent Area (2)"Kishii T平安学園 研究論集Bulletin of the Heian High School, Kyoto24p. 1-9, 7 pls
1979岸井尚"Some New Forms and Notes of Elateridae ”Some New Forms of Elateridae in Japan (XV)”"Kishii T平安学園 研究論集Bulletin of the Heian High School, Kyoto23p. 31-43, 5 pls.
1976岸井尚"New Negastriinae with Some Notes ''Some New Forms of Elateridae in Japan (X)”"Kishii T平安学園 研究論集Bulletin of the Heian High School, Kyoto20p. 17-45, 6 pls., 1 table
1976岸井尚"Some New Forms of Elater idae in Japan (XI)"Kishii T平安学園 研究論集Bulletin of the Heian High School, Kyoto20p. 47-56, 5 pls.
1978岸井尚"A study on the genus Actenicerus Kiesenwetter from Japan and its adjacent area (1) Some New Forms of Elateridae in Japan (XIII)”"Kishii T平安学園 研究論集Bulletin of the Heian High School, Kyoto22p. 17-29, 5 pls.
1975岸井尚"Some New Forms of Elateridae in Japan (VIII)"Kishii T平安学園 研究論集Bulletin of the Heian High School, Kyoto19p. 1-7, 2 pls.
1966岸井尚"Some New Forms of Elateridae in Ja n (IV)"Kishii T平安学園 研究論集Bulletin of the Heian High School, Kyoto10p. 1-11, 2 pls.
1969岸井尚"Some New Forms of Elateridae in Japan (VI)"Kishii T平安学園 研究論集Bulletin of the Heian High School, Kyoto14p. 1-10, 2 pls.
1970岸井尚"On theGenus Yukoana and.Quasimus from Japan “Some New Forms of Elateridae in Japan (VII)”"Kishii T平安学園 研究論集Bulletin of the Heian High School, Kyoto15p. 1-28, 1 table
1973岸井尚"On the Elaterid-Beet les f rom Ry・aky Archipelago collected by Mr. Isao Matoba '' The Snappers of Island (VI)”"Kishii T平安学園 研究論集Bulletin of the Heian High School, Kyoto17p. 1-24, 4 pls, 1 table
1974岸井尚"Elaterid-beetles from the Ry i ky・aArchipelago, collected by Messrs. LMatoba, 0.Tamura and T.Takahashi in the Spring.of 1973, with some new Forms and Notes “TheSnappers of Island (VII)”"Kishii T平安学園 研究論集Bulletin of the Heian High School, Kyoto18p. 1-19, 4 pls, 1 table
1968岸井尚"Some New Forms of Elateridae in Japan (V)"Kishii T平安学園 研究論集Bulletin of the Heian High School, Kyoto13p. 1-15, pls. 3,
1990岸井尚"Notes on Elateridae fromJapan and its adjacent Area (9) (Coleoptera)"Kishii T平安学園 研究論集Bulletin of the Heian High School, Kyoto34p. 1-16, 3 pls.
1962岸井尚"Elateridae of Islands Rishiri-t0, Rehun-tOand Todo-jima “TheSnappers of Islands (m)”*"Kishii T平安学園 研究論集Bulletin of the Heian High School, Kyoto7p. 1-31, 4 pls.
1983岸井尚"On some Elaterid-species from Japan, with the Description of two new Taxa (Coleoptera) ''Notes on Elateridae from Japan and its adjacent Area 3”"Kishii T平安学園 研究論集Bulletin of the Heian High School, Kyoto27p. 47-64, 2 pls.
1984岸井尚"TheElaterid-beetlesof the TribeAgriotini fromJapan (COLEOPTERA : Elateridae, Elaterinae) ''The Elateridae of Japan, 1”"Kishii T平安学園 研究論集Bulletin of the Heian High School, Kyoto28p. 11-77, 2 pls
1976岸井尚"List of Insect - Fauna Col lected f rom Japanese Appendant Islands by the Biological Laboratory of the Heian High School (I)"Kishii T平安学園 研究論集Bulletin of the Heian High School, Kyoto20p. 57-91
1972岸井尚"List of Elaterid-Fauna from Ry ky1a Archipelago collected by theSociety of ScientificSurvey, Kinki University, with the Descriptions of some new Forms “The Snappers of Island (V)”"Kishii T平安学園 研究論集Bulletin of the Heian High School, Kyoto16p. 1-12, 2 pls, 1 table
1976岸井尚"List of Insect-Fauna Collected from Japanese Appendant Islands by the Biological Laboratory of the Heian High School ( I )"Kishii T平安学園 研究論集Bulletin of the Heian High School, Kyoto20p. 57-91
1981岸井尚"NOTES ON ELATERI:DAE FROM JAPAN AND ITS ADJACENT AREA (1) , WITH THE DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES . (COLEOPTBRA)"Kishii T平安学園 研究論集Bulletin of the Heian High School, Kyoto25p. 17-25, 2 pls.
1982岸井尚"New species and new records of Elateridae from Japan (COLEOPTERA) ''Some New Forms of Elateridae in Japan (XVI )”"Kishii T平安学園 研究論集Bulletin of the Heian High School, Kyoto26p. 35-56, 4 pls.

1969びいとるず 大阪甲虫同好会BEETLES1(1)29pp.
1970びいとるず 大阪甲虫同好会BEETLES1(2)27pp.
1971びいとるず 大阪甲虫同好会BEETLES2(1)27pp.
1971びいとるず 大阪甲虫同好会BEETLES2(2)30pp.
1974びいとるず 大阪甲虫同好会BEETLES3(1)終刊22pp.

1993京都府のカミキリムシ岩田隆太郎・水野弘造・常喜豊Cerambycid beetles of Kyoto Prefecture, Japan.Iwata R, Mizuno K, Johki Y関西甲虫談話会資料Kansai Coleopterist's Saloon5118pp.
2002京都府産オサムシ科および 近縁科甲虫目録伊藤 昇・高橋 敞・水野弘造Beetles of Kyoto Prefecture, belonging to the CARABIDAE and its related families. Noboru ITO, Sho TAKAHASHI, Kozo MIZUNO関西甲虫談話会Kansai Coleopterist's Saloon1159pp.
2001京都府南部の甲虫:2001高橋 敞Beetles of Kyoto Prefecture South: 2001Sho Takahashi関西甲虫談話会Kansai Coleopterist's Saloon1762pp.
2002豊中の甲虫相東 浩司Beetle Fauna of Toyonaka City, Osaka Pref.Koji Azuma関西甲虫談話会Kansai Coleopterist's Saloon19100pp.+map

1936芝川家昆虫・図書目録芝川又之助/戸澤信義(編)Collection Lists of entomological specimens and literatures by M. ShibakawaEd. by N. Tosawa紫水遺稿別巻Private publication5282pp. + 51pp.

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